Urgent Care Services
More quality time with patient/provider
Providers specialized in Adult & Pediatrics to serve entire family across the lifespan
Personalized, timely, & not rushed preventative & treatment services
Ease in making appointments
Ease in prescription renewals
Expedited examination, testing & treatment
No increased risk of illness exposures in crowded waiting rooms
No increased waiting beyond scheduled appointment times because provider overbooked to meet insurance & facility demands
Be seen & treated in your own space/home
Annual & Sports physical examinations
- Common conditions we treat:
Traumatic & Non-traumatic joint pain/back pain
Abdominal/flank pain
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
Urinary tract infections
Sexually transmitted diseases/exposures
Upper respiratory infections/common colds
Ear, nose & throat complaints
Dental pain/infections
Painful joints/overuse injuries
Insect bites/stings
Skin Infections
Abscess ("boils") treatment (incision & drainage)
Wound care
Sprains, strains, fractures